Both INTJ women and ENTJ women are extremely rare in the general population. Outside of a few exceptions, nearly everyone has eyes that are brown, blue, green or somewhere in between. It's not a "fun" personality to have. As an ENTJ I am very proud of who I am and to that my personality is a great one. And while im overthinking about this stuff, other people just dont seem to see it as a big deal and that confuses me a lot. Generally speaking, girls tend to be perceived as more nurturing and empathetic than boys, often displaying qualities like an eye for detail, dedication to tasks and relationships, and a tendency to search for deeper meanings in life or situations. Here are the five rarest female MBTI types out there. INFPs are among the rarest types, at around 1% of the population, according to Dario Nardi, Ph.D., a personality expert and author of Neuroscience of Personality . They are nicknamed "the Advocate" and have been described as "mysterious," "intuitive," and "emotionally intelligent" yet the INFJ type as a whole is often misunderstood. Read More 11 Signs Someone Truly Misses YouContinue. Equality. They may have difficulty with emotional expression. However, the INTJ and ENTJ personality types are associated with being strategic, assertive and analytical. Seeing the situation of the world and a lot of people's sufferings, I felt helpless. Mediators are some of the rarest personality types, making up only four percent of the population. Sensing types like to look at the facts and what is observable, improvable. Heres an article on the INTJ female. I am a 65 INFJ male. Yet why do I feel totally powerless to my own personality where I will continue to allow people to use me in order that they can have better or reach better position in love or life even above myself. It does not necessarily indicate whether someone is a loner or not, since everyones situation is unique. woah, a 21 year old female INFJ here and I have been asking myself the same questions all the time! This can vary greatly from person to person, regardless of their MBTI type. Explore your personality, interests, and unique strengths: this video, we explore the unique tr. I'm with you, Lorraine. I'll enjoy yourresponse either way. Thus, most of their actions are dictated by this need. The INFJ personality type makes up just 1% of the population. INFPs are the 8th rarest personality type. 0.5% of all woman are INTJ. In conclusion, INFJs are rare because of their unique combination of traits, which give them strengths, but also can cause them difficulty in some social situations. The INFJ personality type is characterized by their deep sense of integrity and their natural intuition. but NOT to better. Or what others think of you. Surveys and the like aren't reliable for finding out what percentage of the population is and isn't something simply because a very limited . I can't agree more with you. These are emotionally intelligent females who mix compassion with intuition. You can find more information about the five love languages here. Usually ENTP's are type 7 but being an ENTP and type 3 makes you super hard working and very few people can get you at certain times. INTJs are known for their intelligence, originality, and analytical thinking. 3. The ISFJ personality type is introverted, sensing, feeling, and judging. Risky Behaviours. You've most likely had to take a Myers-Briggs Type Indicator test at some point in your life. It is slightly more common in women at around 2%. i did the 16 personality test like 5 times and it always came something different, first i took it like a year ago and then i recently took it again and a whole different results came, but it didn't really matched as well as the previous result, then i retook it again and again something different came out and i think i even took one test at least from a different side, "From a very confused woman, who doesn't really know where she belongs (nowhere, I'm an alien??) Trust me, we know all about it. This type is logical, analytical, and creative. They are always looking for waysto improve and grow, both personally and professionally. Like you, I felt like I don't belong here, it feels like I belong somewhere far in the unknown. These ambitious types are known for their bold, strategic nature and their ability to bring people on board for their vision. Now that you know the basics of the Myers-Briggs, lets take a look at the rarest personality types. Welcome to the rarest. So one of those must be a lie. Their extroverted feeling function is likely to be particularly well-developed, and they most closely resemble their extroverted counterpart, the ENFJ. INFJs are introverts and love their alone time. Where can I find it? MBTI types that are more likely to be type 5s are INTP, INTJ, ENTP, and ISTJ. For example, someone who is introverted, intuitive, feeling, and perceiving would be an INFP personality type. In this post, we will give you a brief overview of each of the 16 personality types and the percentage they make up of the global population. Cluster . It doesnt change anything but explains it. ENTJ 1.8% (previously ranked #15 with the same %). yes everything did change. 16. According to Myers-Briggs, people who identify with the INFP personality are introverted, intuitive, feeling, and perceiving. Also for anyone curious these types are inherently feminine: ESFJ, ISFJ, ENFP, INFP, ENTP, INTP, ESFP, ISFP These types are inherently masculune: ENTJ, INTJ, ESTJ, ISTJ, ESTP, ISTP, ENFJ, INFJ The key is communication style. At number 2 we have ENTJ, The Commander. ENTJs are extroverted, intuitive, thinking, and judging personality types. Ihope you have a sense of humor. or maybe I don't. When i care about you so much that i'll be willing to do anything for you? One of the main strengths of the ISFJ is their ability to take care of others. Female INFPs tend to feel like they don't quite fit in. They are natural leaders who are confident and assertive. No matter the type, the MBTI provides important insight into an individual and can help to provide the direction and support needed for personal growth. It's God, He said "You don't belong here, You belong to Me.". They are fewer INTP females than their male counterparts. They have strong convictions and are very independent minded, standing up for what they believe in. They make up about 2.8% of the worlds population. Open-minded while seeming standoffish 2. INTJ females are often described as strong, and often show immense mental fortitude, as well as an aptitude for leadership and organization. As being a 28 year old female INFJ I struggle with the same thoughts at the moments. ENTP snags the 5th spot for the top 5 rarest personality types. Read More 13 Common Habits That Make People Disrespect You (Psychology)Continue. There is also a high prevalence of Judging rather than Perceiving types among the top 5 rarest personality types. I think a more logical reason than "fitting in" as to why INFJ men INTJ/ ENTJ women are more rare respectively is biological - we are mammals and females are intimately involved in child-rearing where empathy and compassion are critical. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". I love all of you people bantering about whos is or is not the rareist. Ultimately, there is no single female personality type that could be considered most common, as personalities vary widely and may even change over time. They are confident, aggressive, and determined. Which makes me believe you're not truly an INFJ, but it doesn't really matter. & had hoped that a personality test would give at least some sign of what to believe in i think you should read about the cognitive functions instead. Because it never stood anything about difference between men's & women's results when doing a personality test, I never read that anywhere else which is very odd bc every test was based on these 16 personality types. Unless you're very familiar with the test, those letters probably mean nothing to you. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. Similarly, ENTJs and ENTPs benefit from working with others, whether they are leading or collaborating. 4% of the male population. They are often described as more practical and they look to understand the world in a more hands-on way. They are also efficient and love a bit of structure in their lives. First of all, you're not confused and already know where you belong and where you want to be. It can be fun knowing just how rare you are in this world we live in. There are 16 personality types in total, although some combinations are much rarer . As one of the rarest personality types - and one of the most capable - Architects (INTJs) know this all too well. Im ENTP, female. They are the idealists of the personality world and make up only about one-and-a-half percent of the population. Wow, INFJ mind kinda blown right now! If you are looking for an answer. To this type, its all about the image and what they bring to the table. If you haven't, here's a quick summary: The test measures which side you lean more towards in four . Learn about who you are before you get into another bad or the first bad relationship. 3. Nobody else saw them. What are the things that men find very attractive in women? your response was brilliant. Theyre not particularly keen on talking unless they have something valuable to say, and are often seen as being career-oriented and disciplined. People with this personality type are introverted, intuitive, thinking, and perceiving. They are tied with type 5 for first place. You're unique and don't need a test to prove that. ENTJs are now the rarest type, with INFJs being the 3rd. ENFJs are the protagonists or champions of the MBTI typology. They often take more of an objective approach to situations and value logic and hard facts over emotion and feelings. Try and be a better person today than you were yesterday. Schizotypal PD. Sowhatever your personality type, you can be sure that you have something special to offer the world. For women, the rate is a little higher at 3%. I have always been approached by people who want to be my friend and be a part of my life but I rather just have a couple of my closest relatives near me if I must. The rarest personality type for women For women, however, the rarest personality type is INTJ and ENTJ. ENTJ: 1.8%. They are compassionate, imaginative, and often have a strong sense of intuition. I want to build myself a new men who will lead and live like a queen .So What does that mean by it ? Yet you stated that emphatically presumably with your use of capitals and exclamation marks. This difficulty can in turn make it more challenging for INFJs to make the most of their potential, resulting in their relative rarity in the population. It is also the rarest personality type among men. We dive deep into details of the INFJ and INTJ compatibility for males and females in this post. Entj is now the rarest. Shes an ENTJ with ENFJ leanings. It is difficult to determine which MBTI is least likely to have kids as each individual personality type has its own unique traits that may influence their inclination towards having children. Known as The Mastermind, INTJ is the next rarest personality type in the general population and the rarest personality type among women. For more information on the Myers Briggs Type Indicator assessment, please go here. This is just more likely to be their type. 5% of the female population. Fire: short fingers and rectangular palms. I dont know if I will find a really good answer to that question in the near future neither a solution to the sadness that comes with it sometimes. all of those problems got WORSE and every new day makes the problems much bigger. Thats what you do anyways. Like why doesnt anybody care? During times like these it made me feel like i was being used by other people, even by family members and it hurts a lot. Being an INFJ, I really don't care. If you need a good friend to talk to:, Or send us your stories to:, Come visit our Facebook page: if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'anyintrovert_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_5',104,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-anyintrovert_com-medrectangle-3-0');So, lets get started. There are some habits that people often display which can make others disrespect them. ENTPs 69.6% being male and 30.4% being female. There are some questions about why this might be. At number four we have the ENFJ personality type, otherwise knownasThe Giver. ISFJs, ESTJs, and INTJs are the most likely to be type 2 than any other MBTI type. Anyone who understands the underpinnings of healthy identity formation (and has made development in that area) won't base their self value on being the 'rarest'. Thats probably the way to describe the feelings I have frequently. Sharing the top spot for the rarest personality type among women, ENTJ is also one of the rarest personality types in the general population. They are also the third rarest type. But to avoid writing my own article, I'll end it there lol, I have just found out i am an INFJ-T weither or not its the rarest doesn't matter, its actually helped me understand alot about why i am the way i am and everything seems to have just fitted together like a massive puzzle..i now understand and i am contented with that notion. INFJ stands for Introversion, Intuition, Feeling, and Judging. The rarest personality types tend to be Intuitives and Judgers, rather than Sensors and Perceivers. They know what they want and pursue it relentlessly, ensuring they get what they deserve. While the INFJ is often regarded as the rarest personality type, the INTJ woman is in fact the rarest personality sub-type in the MBTI typology. INFJs are some of the rarest personality types that exist, which makes them appear very different than the "average" individual. Air: long fingers and square palms. The more common personality types tend to be Sensors. I had just lied to myself & to everyone else about what I REALLY wanted, what my true dreams & wishes were, what kind of life I actually NEEDED if I ever would feel happy, meaningful & content with living. They are gentle caretakers who live in a world of possibilities. Make sure that you check the way you write things just so it doesn't come across as rude. While this is true, they also love their alone time. Thank you advance in. I personally am that and I have NEVER met anyone else that has that. Please be courteous. This type is constantly moving away from feelings of uselessness and toward feelings of love and connection. Personality types can vary geographically with some personality types occurring more frequently and more rarely depending on the country, region or environment. INFJs are referred to as the Advocate personality type, according to the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. They value tradition and order, and they have a strong sense of duty. Nonetheless, everything will inevetably change, we can think of the worst but we should be hopeful for the better. (They're also coincidentally the 5th most intelligent Continue Reading 461 7 12 Anonymous 1 y Related More people are identifying themselves as Introverts nowadays compared to the old data. Although there are other rare personality types, INFJ facts show that this is notably the rarest personality type in the world, making up 1.5 percent of the . ESTJs are the consummate organizers. We dont really know why, but the data shows that INFJ is the rarest personality type for men. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. They are very persuasive and can use diplomacy to get what they want. Steve has worked with diverse populations and in variety of a settings, from community clinics to SF General Hospital. 15Things Men Find Very Attractive InWomen, 13 Common Habits That Make People Disrespect You (Psychology), How to Become a Leader (The 14 Essentials), 12 Things Men Notice First In Women And Find Attractive, 12 Relationship Red Flags In Someone You Should NEVER Ignore, 13 Proven Signs Your Personality Is Stronger Than Average. The personality type of a girl will be determined by a variety of factors, including her upbringing, environment, life experiences, and her own unique disposition. INFJ 2.9% (previously ranked #16) the % has almost doubled compared to the old data. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'coalitionbrewing_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_8',152,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-coalitionbrewing_com-large-mobile-banner-1-0');The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is a personality assessment that helps identify peoples preferences, strengths, and weaknesses. Money. They tend to be quiet people who enjoy spending time alone. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. Love deep conversation but not great socializers 5. Famous fictional characters include Jon Snow and Captain America. Type 2 are known as the caregivers of this world. Which MBTI is the most insensitive? Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. They prefer creative and innovative problem-solving and brainstorming, and often think outside the box. This is often called the most powerful of all types. You Are Highly in Tune with Your World. I'm in my 30's and I feel as though I've never connected with anyone. They make up less than 1% of the earth's population. Theyre the ones who always know how to make everyone feelcomfortableand theyre always quick to lend a helping hand. The INFJ personality type is the undisputed top 1 rarest personality type in the general population coming in at just 2%. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'anyintrovert_com-box-4','ezslot_1',120,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-anyintrovert_com-box-4-0');INFJs are known for their sensitive and kind nature. The Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is based on four distinct dimensions which characterize how an individual perceives and interacts with the world. Steven Melendy, PsyD., is a Clinical Psychologist who received his doctorate from The Wright Institute in Berkeley, California. please friends ..Give me a penny of thoughts. For women, the personality type is rarer at just 2%, making it one of the rarest personality types. The table below shows estimates of the relative frequency of each of the sixteen types in the United States population. There has been a huge swing compared to the old data here, from most identifying themselves as feelers to now, as thinkers. INTP females come next. When the voice in your head says I have a solution to your situation share it. ENTJs likely career paths include entrepreneurship and management. Type 5: The Investigator. ISTP females round up the top 5. I can see you really want to be an oddball. ENTJ ? They are gentle caretakers who live in a world of possibilities. And yes, I think I may have this personality, but not 100%. The understanding of personality is crucial in both personal and professional life. As different personality typologies have different models, categorizations, and numbers of types. I'm sure I asked with the incorrect format. How to become a leader? There is so many to read and at first it may look intimidating but once u dive into it u cant rlly stop. How do you disinfect towels in the washing machine. Theyre also good at making decisions quickly and confidently. They like to look for patterns and theories and are generally more concerned with the future than the present. 1. One of the main strengths of the ISFJ is their ability to take care of others. Not that is matters as we are who are, but is that an opinion on which is rarest or do you have factual evidence to prove your opinion? They make up just 1.5% of the world's population. Here are the top five rarest enneagram types out there. I had to learn to police every thought which came in to my mind so that I didn't spiral. I actually thought I would receive another result, at least after having done 5 different. Don't get confuse, we are what we are if we see the true nature of what it is. And what makes them even more special is that they are able to use their intuition to make logical decisions. The rarest of all the different personality types is the INFJ. ISTJs are loyal people who can be counted on to do what they say they will do. ISFJ The Protector 13.8%. Another of the rarest personality types is ENFJ which can be found in just 3% of the general population. This question is for testing whether or not you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions. They love to explore new ideas and possibilities and are constantly looking for ways to improve upon existing systems. It appears to this humble writer that you have uncovered a critical flaw in Ms. Linda's query, that being the aforementioned paradox of dishonesty that you so tactlessly pinpointed. you just need to be patient my friend. These determined, introverted, and fearless individuals are unconcerned with popular sentiment and are not scared to follow their very own personal set of beliefs. But I don't know what type. guess what happened? Every fruit comes from a flower before it. If it can be taken apart and put back together, they can do it and probably faster and better than anyone else. 1 Or maybe it's because they're walking, talking contradictions. (certain members). These include Extraversion (E) vs. Introversion (I), Sensing (S) vs. Intuition (N), Thinking (T) vs. When Stressed, You Feel It's Hard to Be Yourself. They may also enjoy activities such as reading, writing, and creative projects. I feel that if you try to be a better person everyday. Have you ever wondered how rare your personality is? I never thought, I too was broken and needed mending not from anything inthis world but fromthe God whom who first made me. Don't let people, things or events define who you are. They usually strive to make sense of the world through logic and analysis, and can become bored when things become too predictable. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'anyintrovert_com-leader-3','ezslot_12',132,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-anyintrovert_com-leader-3-0');They make up just 0.5% of the worlds population. How rare are INFPs? Sigma females can take charge of their lives and make the best decisions. They focus on security and stability, are sensitive and kind-hearted, and place great importance on tradition and family values. ISTPs 67.6% being male and 32.4% being female. ?? Reid, I was curious if you knewwhat the correct degreethe pinky is angledwhen/while having tea? You live in a world of sensations and feelings. They are often very helpful since they can explain certain actions of people around us. At-Home Workout Routines by Enneagram Type, Seer of oddballs and rejected froots n nuts (not verified), 5 Reasons to Learn More About your Enneagram Type, The Difference Between an Assertive versus Turbulent Personality Type, 20 Signs You Have a Sensing Personality Type, INFJ personality type, known as The Counselor. This type is known as the logistician and they tend to be introverted, systematic, organized, and private people. ESTJs often find themselves in leadership roles because of their take-charge attitude and ability to get things done.Theyre often the ones organizing people and resources to achieve a goal. 1. And you know who answered me? I just found out I'm the rarest type I never thought it was I'd never taken and test before but everyone else seems to agree that everything hits me right on the head I'm a female 62 had a very hard life but I've learned from it I believe lost all my children and building relationships with them again as they are adults dealing with a schizophrenic significant other has its moments but if you have connection with your God, nature and doing right when one can never be lonely, I have this personality type which until now I never really had an explanation ma's to why making or keeping friends has been so difficult. Lol. I think you should change your name to Not Bitter. Romantic relationships tend to be difficult for INTJ women because, in order to be physically aroused, they first need to be mentally . While this is true, INTJ women can be any enneagram type. Type 8 and type 4 are the two rarest enneagram types. You lost all credibility when you said "undisputed." According to the famous Myers-Briggs personality type indicator, there are a total of 16different personality types. They are more likely to be type 7 in the enneagram of personality. INFJ isnt the only personality type thats hard to find! Look back at the choices we made and we will understand consequences it unfolded. So Special snowflakes be like: : mbti. *16 MBTI types ranked from the most prevalent in the population to the least or the most common to the rarest: ISTJ 17.6% (previously ranked #3) ISFJ 10.6% (previously ranked #1) The situation of the general population have never met anyone else that has that vary greatly from person person... Result, at least after having done 5 different, regardless of their rarest personality type female in order type mix compassion with intuition about. 16Different personality types in total, although some combinations are much rarer number four we the! 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