Graham, critics wonder are the 'evil ones' planning a staged end times scenario By Greg Szymanski, JD April 23, 2010 The University of Arizona, together with the Vatican and Jesuit Order, announced today it named its newest high-powered telescopic instrument 'Lucifer'. To Participate in the Mount Graham Sacred Run, contact. (LogOut/ What causes your ball earth to spin, magic? The Vatican really needed to name their telescope ''LUCIFER'', no matter that the acronym is LBTNIUWCIFUFER??? (Mount Graham Red Squirrel, Mount Graham Coalition). splendors intolerable blinds feeble, But you cant even pull an example of convex water out of that hat Seriously. 2012. []. At 10,720 feet above sea level, it dominates the otherwise flat landscape in southeastern Arizonas Gila River Valley. UA lawyers also argue that they are exempt from the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) and any other cultural or environmental law that would apply to them. Device and its purpose, read my original article below, originally posted on June 20, 2016. Why, when it took until 1992 for the Vatican to pardon Galileo? Perhaps you can enlighten us by answering one of these basic FE doctrine related questions (and if youre really astute, why not all of them!). Exclusif: Lminent Virement vers lsotrisme | Le journal participatif et citoyen ! Mount Graham was selected for the Vatican observatory due to its exceptional location that would help humans to better understand the origins of the universe. Theres no way that were going to allow this to be done," people said. Wouldnt it be mind blowing to find out that the character Lucifer wasnt hasatan or the devil? How many more weeks do you need?. almost. That's right $87 million. A few things worth noting before we start: Lucifer is never directly or indirectly called Satan, nor is the word Satan ever found in Isaiah 14. But because the mountain was taken away from tribal control, Apache people over the past 150 years have not always been able to find that peace or even pray in their sacred land. Interestingly, theres a documentary about Chernobyl nuclear disaster and the prophecy. January has another delight: a long total lunar eclipse on the night of January 20-21. Theyve admitted themselves, however, that there is no other basis, besides the tradition of the early Fathers and later Catholic Commentators, for interpreting Isa 14:12 as an address to hasatan! Each of the two telescopes is equipped with three single beam instruments: a prime focus camera, an optical spectrograph (MODS), and a near-infrared instrument (LUCI, formerly LUCIFER). You CANNOT find convex water. VATT, 2012. Native American nations and tribal governments could consider a resolution opposing the UA projectssee the NCAI resolution below. For a little more than four decades astronomical research was carried out, including a prominent international program to map the whole sky. This ironic conflict pits the Vatican against Apache spiritual leaders, and astronomers against biologists. Again, the creator. Prior to the appeal, congress had passed an act that exemplified the telescope project from the National Environmental Policy Act and the Endangered Species Act, thus resulting in the failure to immediately and permanently halt the telescope project. Apaches and other Native peoples must now obtain a permit to conduct ceremonies in the forest, according to a forest spokesperson. (RNS/Alejandra Molina) The Apache believe Oak Flat is a "blessed place" where Ga'an guardians or. The Vatican works hand in glove with NASA and major universities. Debra Utacia Krol Arizona Republic Published 7:23 AM PDT Aug. 20,. (KJV). May whoever searches here night and day the far reaches of space use it joyfully with the help of God. At the time, the University of Arizona was in the midst of constructing the $87 million Large Binocular Telescope, billed as the largest optical telescope on Earth. Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. The central sacred importance of Mount Graham has been known to the Mount Graham astronomers since 1968, long before the opening of the Vatican's telescope in 1993. Graham in Tucson. Reasons to Doubt the Earth is Truly a Sphere, NY Times: Vatican Science Panel Told By Pope Galileo Was Right. The mission of VATT is displayed prominently outside the entrance in Latin and in English indoors. Cultural Survivor, 24 Mar. And the story goes that Copernicus waited until on his death-bed before publishing the work that changed everything we knew about our relation to the universe, On the Revolutions of the Celestial Spheres. This was the first of seven observatories on this Sky Island. To this Apache tribe the mountain Dzil Nchaa Si An, Big Seated Mountain, is a portal to the spirit world and home to their guardian spirits, Gaahn. When readingAnd the third angel sounded, and there fell a great star from heaven, burning as it were a lamp, and it fell upon the third part of the rivers, and upon the fountains of waters; And the name of the star is called Wormwood: and the third part of the waters became wormwood; and many men died of the waters, because they were made bitter. (Revelation 8:10,11-King James Bible) I was interested in the Wormwood star. <, Stiles, Lori. Mount Graham threatens science without humanity. Minnesota Daily, October 1, 2002. A full-motion simulator takes guests on a ride past Mt. The Bible has the tendency to be silent concerning the specifics in heavenly matters; and it probably does so for a reason, being that not all heavenly things are to be revealed to humans (2 Cor 14:12). Winer Observatory. Graham: Apaches and Astrophysical Development in Arizona | Cultural Survival. The Fight for Dzil Nchaa Si An, Mt. I remind you I answered your questions. The telescope project would also play havoc with the red squirrels prime habitat, which brought environmentalists together with tribal leaders in opposition. This was followed by the build out of book publishing directed by the Vatican. In his support for the protection of Mount Graham, Terry B. Johnson of the Arizona Game and Fish department stated, Management of Mount Graham must preclude anything that negatively impacts spruce-corkbark-fir forest and middens or impedes their development.If we protect the ecosystem, the individual species will also be protected. (Mount Graham Coalition), In addition to the argument to protect the ecosystem and endangered species of Mount Graham, Apache natives began to publicly protest the development of the observatory atop the sacred mountain by passing out flyers at the University of Arizona and filing a court appeal against the University of Arizona in 1992. (Source). Many of us came to accept the idea that Lucifer was hasatan (satan) long before ever reading the one verse in Isa 14:12, the only place in the Bible which mentions Lucifer. Is it he who #24 Why Did So Many Apollo Astronots Die Mysterious Deaths in Just Three YearsTime? Tagged: l.u.c.i.f.e.r., NASA, space, telescope, Vatican. 201 likes. In 1873, Mount Graham was removed from the boundaries of the San Carlos Reservation and placed in public domain. The environmental protection for the mountain as a place that holds immense sacred energy is crucial for the San Carlos Apache people as well as the biological science community. Regardless of support from the National Council of Churches, the Presidents Advisory Council on Historical Preservation and the former president Bill Clinton on behalf of the respect for the Apache Cultural and Spiritual life the observatory still remains on Mount Graham. In 1986 in Castel Gandolfo, the Vatican Observatory organized a month-long Summer School in Astronomy and Astrophysics for 25 students from around the world taught by eminent scholars invited for the occasion. 03 Nov. 2012. Posted By: Steve Allen January 14, 2016. This western view is very common, because fails to understand the San Carlos Apaches understanding of the land as being sacred for its environmental and historical reasons. Show me the convex water. Whether they directly own it or not. So it would seem that though the Vatican has held most of the knowledge of space for over three centuries now with all their observatories, they are only in the modern era beginning to exam the teachings of those scientists who changed the course of history and refuted the Roman Catholic Church. Apache elders filed suit in 1991 to halt the project, seven months later it was thrown out and construction began. Vatican builds a giant telescope and names it ''LUCIFER'' The Vatican, the Jesuits and the University of Arizona, unveiled a new telescope centered upon Apache sacred ground, on Mount Graham, in Arizona. In 1852, the U.S. and "the Apache Nation of Indians" signed the Treaty of Santa Fe, said John Welch, a professor at Simon Fraser University and head of landscape and site protection programs at Archaeology Southwest. (Source). not. So please dont believe these flat earth people. Only fools are not subject to correction and reproof. The Book of proverbs emphatically shows that ones wisdom is dictated by their ability to learn from mistakes, make corrections, and be corrected, not the inability to make mistakes and/or be corrected. receive notifications of new posts by email. To name it Lucifer and then place it on sacred Apache Indian ground? Lens" page. TOPICS: catholic church lucifer mt. Youve mixed the two up, rather slanderously I might add. Mount Graham was the free land . Web. 02 Nov. 2012. L.U.C.I.F.E.R., which stands for Large Binocular Telescope Near-infrared Utility with Camera and Integral Field Unit for Extragalactic Research, is a chilled instrument attached to a telescope in Arizona."],"], BTW, I am still waiting for you to point me to that curved water. University of Arizona, Vatican and Jesuits Name New Telescope 'Lucifer' Housed at Mt. Freistaatliche Religionsgemeinschaft LichtlanD - Leben in Liebe und Licht Wir sind alles SEELEN und haben einen Menschen.. Numerous groups, have used this misrepresentation of lucifer to build religions some even claiming themselves to be Messiahs or worldly representations of God on earth. What if we showed you, however, that there is no Biblical Character by the name of Lucifer; and the enemy, that is hasatan, is never, at any point in the Bible, referred to by name? All pictures, and stories of space come from NASA, yet little is heard from Vatican observatories as to their conclusions as to what their most sophisticated telescopes are finding. []. Northern Arizona News, 2 Feb. 2011. They view the mountain as the embodiment of spiritual energy rather than as a specific place. The mountain has ancient, undisturbed burials, as well as being a source for medicinal plants and a location for ceremonies. Despite all the NTs reference to hasatan, there is never a quote from Isa 14 to substantiate their position on Satan. Copernicus explained why the planets do not move in the sky the same way the stars do. In May 2001, a federal court judge ruled that the Arizona-Idaho Conservation Act remains in effect, exempting UA from compliance with these laws. Well, brace yourself, because we are going expose this myth for what it is! Below are links to the optical and instrument specifications to assist observers. Fact Check: In recent days, multiple Facebook users have been attempting to link the Vatican to a telescope supposedly called "Lucifer," a name used to refer to Satan in Christianity. Only a few years later, scientist began to see the squirrel reappear at higher altitudes on Mount Graham. By way of surveying the role of astronomy in astrobiology and the search for extraterrestrial intelligence, this series will follow our tour. "There are so many commodities and useful resources in these lands. Following the declarations of the sacredness of Mount Graham by the Apache Survival Coalition and the San Carlos Apache Tribe, the Vatican in 1991declared that Mt. The Vatican Observatory's research group in Arizona shares space with other organizations. The telescope's official name is the Alice P. Lennon Telescope The design of the device allows for extremely sharp levels of foc What Is the Vatican Telescope Looking For? Early Masonic magicians like Copernicus, Kepler, Galileo, and Newton, along with their modern Masonic astro-not counter-parts like Armstrong, Aldrin, and Collins, hand-in-hand with NASA and world Freemasonry using everything from books, magazines, and television to computer-generated imaging, have succeeded, in the minds of the masses, to pick up the fixed Earth, shape it into a ball, spin it in circles, and throw it around the Sun! Change). The Vatican Telescope - formally known as the Vatican Advanced Technology Telescope - is located not within the Vatican, but in Arizona! This new tower for studying the stars has been erected during the XV year of the reign of John Paul II on this peaceful site so fit for such studies, and it has been equipped with a new large mirror for detecting the faintest glimmers of light from distant objects. The Biden administration has put the brakes on a controversial land exchange that would have given a sacred Native American site to a multinational mining company by 11 March.. Parts of the . The theory that the character Lucifer is Hasatan has been a popular one in Christianity dating as far back as the 4th century. The spiritual value of Mount Graham to the Apache was not considered. These early traditions of the Observatory reached their climax in the mid-nineteenth century with research conducted at the Roman College by the famous Jesuit, Father Angelo Secchi, the first to classify stars according to their spectra. Graham in Tucson. Even Satan doesnt known when it will happen and so he [], [] Vatican L.U.C.I.F.E.R. The University of Arizona built an underground 25,000-volt power line, electrifying the sacred mountain to the great distress of the Apache. To the Apache the ecology of the area is what makes the land sacred and it is not related to the western idea of a physical shrine. The Observatory is one of the oldest astronomical institutes in the world. Graham International Observatory. Northern Arizona News. And that the Vatican's telescope is named the VATT. Secchi is often referred to as the Father of Modern Astrophysics and his technique remains important in modern research. 03 Nov. 2012. Furthermore, the current telescopes and facilities should be taken down and the sanctity of Mount Graham preserved for traditional religious practitioners. Ive had my share of college indoctrination too. Hasatan could have been cast to earth for any sin; but neither the NT nor OT specify what that sin was. Showing this error, however, reveals the fallible nature of many of these self-proclaimed Messiahs and Priests and sends a humbling blow to the heart of their followers. By 1990, two telescopes had been build on near by mountains and a third, to be built on Mount Graham, was being strongly challenged for environmental reasons by the newly founded Mount Graham Coalition group. In reaction to the Director of the Vatican Observatorys claim members of the San Carlos Apache residing in the area surrounding Mount Graham stated that, the construction of the telescope constituted a profound disrespect for a cherished feature of their original homeland and a violation of traditional religious beliefs., (Telescope construction on the summit of Mount Graham, 1992. <, Allen, Lee. Mount Graham is known to the San Carlos Apache as Dzil ncha si an. Vatican Observatory VS San Carlos Apache Sacred Land Mount Graham, also known as Dzil Nchaa Si An, rises majestically from the Sonoran Desert in northwestern Arizona. Coverage of Indigenous issues at the intersection of climate, culture and commerce is supported by the Catena Foundation and the Water Funder Initiative. Father Coyne stated that to convince him that the mountain was sacred he would need to see evidence of shrines and that he would not accept Apache oral history or statements by Apache-speaking Euro-American anthropologists. Your fourth question seems redundant. The site sits ab. One of the stake holders in the MGIO is a group of European institutes who built an infrared camera and spectroscope, and named it Lucifer. Mount Graham is one of the four sacred mountains of the Apache people. They controlled the information content, the scientists of astronomy were controlled by both the Vatican, as evidenced by Copernicus becoming a Roman Catholic priest in his later days, and the Royal Society of London, owned by the Crown of Engalnd. Doubt it Learn how your comment data is processed. "When the white people, the non-Indians, invaded, they assumed the 'moral authority' versus the 'treacherous savage Apaches,'" Riley said. The most prolific of those who first classified stars according to their spectra, Fr. For website issues email:, University Land Acknowledgement Statement, Information for Faculty, Postdocs, & Grads, Promoting a Healthy and Welcoming Environment for our students, staff, and faculty, (Obsolete) Kitt Peak Summit Dorm Room Assignments, Kitt Peak Summit Dormitory Room Assignments, Steward Observatory Committee Assignments, UA Non-discrimination and Anti-harassment Policy, UA College of Science Community Connections, Remembering William John Cocke 1937 - 2022, Catalina Sky Survey Telescopes on Mts. One of those groups installed a telescope and briefly nicknamed one of its attachments "Lucifer" in. In the early 1980s, the University of Arizona and the Vatican selected Mount Graham as the preferred site for a huge observatory with up to 20 telescopes. The verse they cited, which allegedly corresponds with Isa 14:12, Luke 10:18, does not quote Isa 14:12, nor does it say Lucifer, Haylel, or any of the like. Father Coyne further declared that Apache beliefs were a kind of religiosity to which I cannot subscribe and which must be suppressed with all the force we can muster. Additional Information on telescope specifications, Additional instrumentation & Science Operations. Lucifer was the light bearer not the morning star, unless youre reading a Bible version from corrupt manuscripts. In these lands took until 1992 for the Vatican & # x27 ; Lucifer & quot ; in Chernobyl disaster. Astronots Die Mysterious Deaths in Just Three YearsTime project would also play havoc with help. Apache Indian ground the Vatican against Apache spiritual leaders, and astronomers against biologists you vatican telescope in arizona on sacred apache land me. Fools are not subject to correction and reproof January 20-21 a long total lunar eclipse on the of... In 1991 to halt the project, seven months later it was thrown out construction... 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